Contact Info

What I Do

Full-Stack Web Developer, Musician, and Marine. As a steadfast leader, I strive to motivate my teams with inventive ways to solve problems. My music and military experiences taught me the value of being a good team member and a respected manager, helping organizations to achieve their goals.


About Leland

I was reaching the end of my military music career and looking for ideas for building a second career. I remembered that I was learning computer programming and physical science in high school, and I decided to take a look at modern computer coding.

I was pointed towards online tutorials to get a feel for code. It seemed easy, so I asked a friend, is it easier than I thought or am I just scratching the surface? She said, "It's both. It can be easy to start, but there is a lot to keep learning."

So, I took some weekend workshops at General Assembly here in Washington, DC, in basic Web programming and iOS app development. Impressed by my progress and by the community at General Assembly, and with the encouragement of my family and friends, I took the Web Development Immersive course in the spring of 2016. What you'll find on my page here is just the beginning of what I've been learning about code.

Recent Career and Education

  • Developer, Linchpin Software LLC, FBI
  • Developer, Hybrid Data Security, FBI
  • Developer and Application Engineer, NOVA Corporation, DISA
  • Web Developer, General Assembly
  • SSgt, US Marine Corps
  • BA Music Performance

What I Do

Full-Stack Web Developer, Musician, and Marine. As a steadfast leader, I strive to motivate my teams with inventive ways to solve problems. My music and military experiences taught me the value of being a good team member and a respected manager, helping organizations to achieve their goals.


About Leland

I was reaching the end of my military music career and looking for ideas for building a second career. I remembered that I was learning computer programming and physical science in high school, and I decided to take a look at modern computer coding.

I was pointed towards online tutorials to get a feel for code. It seemed easy, so I asked a friend, is it easier than I thought or am I just scratching the surface? She said, "It's both. It can be easy to start, but there is a lot to keep learning."

So, I took some weekend workshops at General Assembly here in Washington, DC, in basic Web programming and iOS app development. Impressed by my progress and by the community at General Assembly, and with the encouragement of my family and friends, I took the course in the spring of 2016. What you'll find on my page here is just the beginning of what I've been learning about code.

General Assembly Web Development Immersive

Recent Career and Education